Posted Tue, 13 Jul 2010 11:45:57 GMT by manu-al
Hey you model-pro´s out there,

for the most of you this could be a very easy question, but right now I cannot explain it to myself:

I have a density-driven transport model (steady flow, transient transport) for which I calculated a steady-state hydraulic head and implemented it as initial conditions. As I would consider my model should use this stable flow-conditions for the further calculations and shouldn´t calculate the flowfield in every step.

but when I run it, the flow-field changes in every step and also is continiously calculated... Am I thinking the wrong direction? In density-driven transport, there cannot be steady state flow conditions, when densities are changing in time, can they?

If steady state flow is possible for my problem here, how can I implement it in Feflow?

thx a lot for discussion,

model on :)
Posted Tue, 13 Jul 2010 11:53:50 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
When choosing the steady flow - transient transport option for a density-dependent model in FEFLOW, FEFLOW will calculate the changes to the flow field caused by density effects in each time step. Thus the flow field changes. All other flow field components, however, are kept constant.

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