Posted Thu, 17 Oct 2019 09:07:55 GMT by Hector Montenegro Feflow-Anwender
Seeking for export of the 3D model structure along a cross section (boundaries and layering of the materials beneath the cross section) as a SHP (DXF, ascii-...)-file, so that the exported file may be used as a supermesh for the build up of a 2D-vertical plane model.

Such an export-feature was built in in FF5 and worked quite reasonable but it seems to be well hidden in FF7.2.

When trying to export a cross section, only the points of that particular line-element exported but not the desired structure of the cross section displayed.
Posted Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:14:28 GMT by Peter Schätzl
It's indeed well hidden :)... Use 'Save As...' in a dac file, then pick the new name and - in the dialog popping up - choose the option on top and the section to be used for export. You'll get a new dac file for the section (and then you can export its mesh to be used for the new supermesh).

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