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Posted Sun, 26 Sep 2010 20:17:44 GMT by b
is that possible that the non-pumping wells, i.e., 0 m3/day assigned in the feflow model at the same nodes across several layers, may cause hydraulic head flucturation in some nearby observation wells or in those pumping wells themself.


Posted Mon, 27 Sep 2010 13:52:48 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Multi-layer wells without pumping may still influence the resulting head distribution, as the well nodes are still connected with a very high conductivity. Thus water can flow from layers with higher hydraulic head to layers with lower head. If these flows are important, I would recommend to turn off the multi-layer well option for the model, and instead set 1-dimensional discrete feature elements along the wells, using realistic parameters for cross-sectional areas and roughness.

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