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Posted Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:21:29 GMT by mwtoews

I would like to know if there is any IFM interface to get to time dependent material data, such as "IN(+)/OUT(-)FLOW ON TOP/BOTTOM", which can implement time-varying recharge. I am using FEFLOW 6.0 for now.

With a FEFLOW problem that implements time-varying properties
[li]IfmGetMatFlowSinkSource - returns 0.0 for all elements[/li]
[li]IfmGetMatFlowRechargeValue - returns the correct values for the initial values in (in the ASCII format, under MAT_I_FLOW, 107  0.000000e+00 "In/outflow on top or bottom", ...).[/li]

It appears that the time dependent material data is inaccessible from the IFM interface, at least from version 6.0. In the ASCII FEM file format, this data is in the MMLIST section. Is there a current hack for 6.0? Is there an IFM interface for this type of data in 6.1?

Lastly, what's the difference between IfmGetMatFlowSinkSource and IfmGetMatFlowRechargeValue?

Posted Wed, 29 Aug 2012 09:11:15 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
At the moment there is no way to access MLIST data via IFM, also not in version 6.1. We are thinking about changing the way time-varying material data is stored in the near future, and this will influence the access via IFM. For this, at this time no interface functionality was added.

From what I think to remember, the difference between the two functions is the following:
- IfmGetMatFlowSinkSource: Gives you the value of the sink/source parameter
- IfmGetMatFlowRechargeValue: Gives you the value of the sink/source parameter in a 2D model and the value of the in/outflow on top/bottom parameter in 3D.

Please let me know if this doesn't fit to your observations as I might be wrong here.
Posted Thu, 30 Aug 2012 00:18:24 GMT by mwtoews
Thanks Peter. It looks like a workaround is to get path to the FEM file, and read the MMLIST section into a 2D float32 array with dimensions (ne, n_entries). Tricky, but not the first time I've implemented a reader for this FEM section.
Posted Thu, 30 Aug 2012 09:49:58 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Yes, this would work, of course. You can also put the MMLIST data into a separate file, this would save you the (OK - minor) effort to browse the fem file for this section.

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