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Posted Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:55:47 GMT by Ashley Mathai Junior Environmental Professional

I am trying to convert an observation well map into observation points.  The obs wells shp file has the Easting, Northing and elevation of well screen (where I would like to obs point to be placed).

My method is I right-click on the map, convert to --> observation points. At this point the x, y and z coordinates have been already preselected as "shape".  Next I select "Free xyz" as the slice number so that the obs point can be placed  "freely in three dimensions".  I then select the label ID and click ok. 

When I look at the obs points in the 3D viewer, the x and y locations of the obs points are correct but the z location is way below the bottom of the model.  If I export the observation points as a trp, I see that the z column is QNANO.

Does anyone have any suggestions to correctly import 3D obs points? I am using FEFLOW 6.1

Posted Tue, 11 Sep 2012 06:06:09 GMT by Blair Thornburrow Groundwater Modeller
My understanding is that observation points must be attached to a slice and observation points at arbitrary vertical locations are not supported.  Your results are coming back as QNANO because your obs points are not assigned to any model slice.

[color=red]Edit: I just found the functionality you are talking about in FEFLOW 6.1.  The key is to right click on your ASCII or shape file and define coordinate fields.  Your Z field should relate to the elevation of the observation (e.g. the middle of the piezometer screen in mRL).  When you convert to observation points, select "<free XYS position>" next to "Slice". [/color]

Posted Fri, 14 Sep 2012 14:10:02 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Actually FEFLOW 6.1 should support XYZ points. Feel free to email to if it doesn't work. I'm not at the office at the moment so I can't check myself.

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