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Posted Thu, 19 May 2011 06:33:05 GMT by Terry CORDONNIER engineer
Hi guys,

I've got a problem to set my boundary condition. I have data for fluid flux in ([b][i][b]m3/s[/b][/i][/b]) and the unit for "Fluid-flux_BC" is in (m/s).
So my question is how to calculate a surface on 3D-view or FEslice-view ??
Or is there another method to put my (m3/s) values to "Fluid-flux-BC" ??


Posted Thu, 19 May 2011 17:05:18 GMT by Alexander Renz
The total influx can be prescribed as a point source using the well-BC (4th kind BC), unit m3/d.
To assign the total inflow along a line (e.g., a border section), you need to calculate the length-specific inflow in m2/d from the length of the section (m) and the total flux (m3/d).
In a 2D model, you can assign this value as a depth integrated boundary condition (m2/d) (in case of an unconfined model, you have to choose the integrated option explicetly).
In a 3D model, you have to calculate the inflowing darcy velocity (m/d) from the length of the section and the depth of the model.
Posted Fri, 20 May 2011 07:10:45 GMT by Terry CORDONNIER engineer
Thank you very much.
I just send a new topic before seeing your answer. Apologize me.
So i understand that there isn't tool to measure a surface !!?

Secondly, reading the "feflow help" i saw that there is a "Pin Coordinate Toolbar" which i don't find in my version 6.0. Maybe there update for this ??


Posted Fri, 20 May 2011 08:39:54 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
'Pin coordinate' is - technically speaking - a toolbar. Practically, however, it only comes up whenever you directly input coordinates, e.g., in the supermesh view when pressing F2 to specify supermesh node coordinates.

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