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Posted Wed, 03 Dec 2008 15:29:05 GMT by Pleal
Hi, I'm trying to assing a time-varying recharge for my hole model. But I'm having trouble with it... My data is like this:  Day        rain (10-4m/d)
                  0-30            41
                  31-60          127
                  61-90          16
                  91-121        16 and etc.

Can someone help me?
Posted Wed, 03 Dec 2008 15:54:06 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
The simplest option would be: Create a time-varying function with these data. Then go to flow materials, use Assign - Database, Inverse distance weighting interpolation with only one neighbor, 'Edit time-varying data', type in X - Y - Number of the function for an arbitrary location in the model. Then start the interpolation. This will create a time-varying material distribution ('T-List') with this recharge distribution. The interpolation between the data points will be linear by default.
Posted Wed, 03 Dec 2008 16:28:25 GMT by Pleal
Thanks for you answer! But when you say 'edit time-varying data' do you mean 'edit powerfunction IDs' ?
Because that's the only option I see here. And then I have to input: Xgk(m), Ygk(m) and fvalue. Which values should I use?
Posted Thu, 04 Dec 2008 12:31:43 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Yes, I'm sorry for the wrong name... X and Y are an arbitrary location in the model domain. fvalue is the number of the time function (pow) you have created before.
Posted Thu, 04 Dec 2008 14:53:50 GMT by Pleal
I'm sorry! But I don't understand... What will be my time function (fvalue)? As I said before I have monthly rain data.

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