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Posted Wed, 30 Jan 2013 10:25:09 GMT by mingo80

I am not familiar with FeFlow 6.1. Please let me know how to use polygon or at the respective nodes or  import specific shp file to check the water budget for 4th and 1st kind BC?
where I can find select area like in FeFlow 5.4 to output the water balance. (export .txt water budget file from certain period).

Thanks for the help.

Posted Wed, 30 Jan 2013 14:27:51 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Pls. have a look at the description of the Rate Budget and Period Budget panels in the Help system. You'll find corresponding information there.
Posted Thu, 31 Jan 2013 09:07:10 GMT by mingo80
Actually, I went to help alot, there is no specific indication to say where I can find "draws" and export water budget ".txt"  All I saw on help is:

The budget parameter is used for visualization of boundary heat flows in the view windows. Adding budget to a FE-slice view or 3D view draws the nodal boundary flows as scaled and colored spheres. Drawing requires that the budget calculation in the Budget panel is set to Active and that FEFLOW is in simulation mode or a full results file (*.dac) is loaded.

Via the context menu of the parameter the budget values can be exported on a nodal basis.

Please explain more detail. Thanks
Posted Mon, 04 Feb 2013 07:59:08 GMT by Blair Thornburrow Groundwater Modeller
What I think you are asking is how to calculate a flow budget for constant head and well boundaries inside a particular area.

Firstly, the terminology in 6.1 for this type of flow budget is now called "rate budget".  By default, the rate budget shows results for the entire model domain.  To perform a budget analysis on a sub-set of your model domain (e.g. inside a shapefile or polygon), you need to create a nodal selection inside the area of interest and save the nodal selection as the target for rate budget analysis.


1. Select nodes of interest by drawing polygon or selecting by shapefile (see the help topic on selections if this is new to you)
2. In spatial units: right click Current node selection (under Node Selections) and choose "Store Current Selection"
3. You can assign a name to the selection and it is saved for later reference
4. Select the current node selection by clicking on it in Spatial Units
5. In the Rate Budget window, click the + symbol to add your node selection to the rate budget analysis
6. Click the "Active" tickbox

When your model runs, budget values will be shown for the current time step in the Rate Budget window

If you are running a transient model and you wish to store a time series of the budget:
7. Right click your saved node selection in Spatial Units
8. Under "Budget history charting mode", select "BCs"

During your transient model run, a chart will be plotted of the BC flow values for each BC type (1st and 4th).  You can right click on the graph and save/export the data for further analysis.

Hope this helps!

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