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Posted Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:23:45 GMT by Ludwig Ehlert
Hello there,

i am having problems with the scatter plot. When i activate the scatter plot via right click on the hydraulic head chart i don't get data in the plot. Only a vertical line appears. I saved the scatter points to a .pow file and it only contains 2 values.

Thanks for answers in advance.
Posted Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:44:21 GMT by adacovsk
Ensure that all your observation points are enabled/activated under "edit observation points" checkmarked under the "No." column. The vertical lines that are shown are the default confidence intervals. I normally just set the confidence interval to 0, in the "edit observation points" under "reference values", or just import the .pow data to a spreadsheet.

Biggest headache for me has been the labels being displayed, those confidence intervals and the little black tickmark indicating the datapoint's x-intercept on the 45 degree line. Skews your vision, especially when you have 150+ observation points.

I just made a suggestion in the suggestion forum regarding these vertical lines.
Posted Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:46:55 GMT by Ludwig Ehlert
Thank you for your fast answer.
I checked the "edit observation points", and all observation points are set to active. Also, i changed the confidence interval to 0. I am wondering if maybe something is wrong with my observation points? I don't get the observed values automatically plotted in the hydraulic head chart. I always need to import them from the .pow file. So maybe the scatterplot can't be produced because it doesn't find the data.
However, in the observation point settings the timeline is connected to the observation points. Do i need to connect them somewhere else again?

Posted Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:02:26 GMT by adacovsk
If you could export a .dat file of your observation points and paste a line or two from the file, that should provide me enough info to figure it out

Posted Wed, 29 Jan 2014 18:14:18 GMT by Ludwig Ehlert
      Id                  X                  Y    SLICE      ELE LABEL REF_PARID REF_TSID          REF_RANGE
      1      50.0000000000      15.9300000000        1      -1  L25      400      250        0.2500000000
      2      30.0000000000      16.6450000000        1      -1  L5      400      50        0.2500000000

That's the entire file.

I am wondering if the reference timelines of the observation points would be displayed automatically in the hydraulic head chart. For me this is not the case.
Posted Wed, 29 Jan 2014 20:58:35 GMT by adacovsk
It appears that you are assigning time-series #50 and #250. If there are only two observation points, I would've assumed that you would have only time-series #1 and #2? How is your pow file set up?
Posted Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:14:13 GMT by Ludwig Ehlert
the time series are right like this. 50 and 250 is existing and the .pow files are also properly imported and displayed in the time series menu. I actually discovered that one datapoint is always displayed in the scatter plot. But it is just only the current one in each time step.
I am doing the scatter plot now with excel but it is kind of nasty to calibrate the model. Would be nicer to have it directly in feflow without exporting and importing.

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