Posted Wed, 22 Jul 2015 14:20:24 GMT by Alice Donna

I am using fefow 6.1 and I would like to build a mesh with different elevations in different parts of the model. Should I prepare the model with uniform elevantion and then delete some elements? I tried this solution but if I delete the elements of one layer it automatically deletes also the corresponding ones on the layers below.

Posted Wed, 22 Jul 2015 16:44:58 GMT by Björn Kaiser
If you want to impose different elevations in your model I do not see any reason why you want to delete elements.

I suggest to prepare the geological model. You could use a point shapefile with Z values and the Slice number (ID) in the attribute table. Then, prepare a uniform 3D model in FEFLOW. You could use a parameter link between the elevations from the attribute table and the elevation parameter in FEFLOW. If the attribute table also contains the corresponding Slice ID you could interpolate slice wise in one step.

Detailed information are provided by our Demonstration Exercise (pages 20-24):

If you intend to integrate barriers, I suggest to assign either low conductivities to the area of interest or you may deactivate elements. The element deactivation was a development of FEFLOW 6.2. Accordingly, you cannot deactivate elements if you use FEFLOW <= 6.1.
Posted Tue, 04 Aug 2015 19:47:09 GMT by
Alice, are you attempting to set the elevation of each slice to one value, and then deactivate elements to mimic elevation differences of geological layers? In 6.1, elements cannot be deactivated, but you can set the permeability and storage of the element to very small values so that the act like an impermeable barrier or block of material.  This won't work if the elements you want to "inactivate" are at the top of the model where non-zero recharge (in/out flow) is applied.


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