Posted Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:51:34 GMT by nmazzilli

I'm a new feflow user and have a very simple question on discrete elements features. please don't laugh !
I don't understand how deep vertical fractures are. One can change their thickness, but what about their lenght (in the vertical direction) ?

thanks !
Posted Mon, 21 Apr 2008 16:05:35 GMT by Carolina Vera
I'm not sure but I think it connect two slice in the same layer. I mean, the lengh should be the layer thikness.
Posted Mon, 21 Apr 2008 16:36:25 GMT by mnovotny
This isn't answering your question necessarily, but I like to imagine the discrete features as a secondary model domain.  The primary (elemental) and secondary (discrete) domains will have the same values of head and fluid flux at the nodes, but use different laws and properties to define flow between the nodes.

A vertical fracture, as you have described, will 'connect' the 4 nodes on the vertical face of an element (assuming in 3D), with properties specified by you, but depending upon what law you are using to describe the flow.  For Darcy, it is conductivity, thickness (aperture), etc.

Posted Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:00:37 GMT by nmazzilli
thanks !

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