Posted Thu, 28 May 2015 07:59:19 GMT by Phil
Is it possible to place a boundary condition (Well BC) in the mess with coordinates (x,y)?
Posted Thu, 28 May 2015 10:41:38 GMT by Phil
So, I think my start was wrong.

I would like to import the x,y coordinates of  15 wells togehter with their pumping rates.
I imported the shape-file with the data of the wells in the maps panel. Afte this I made a LINK to PARAMETERS and linked the Wells BC to the rate. After this I selected the whole mesh and ASSIGN.
After this, every node in the mesh got a WELL BC sign and thats wrong.

What is wrong??
Posted Thu, 28 May 2015 12:55:58 GMT by Björn Kaiser
As long as you integrated the XY-points of the wells in the supermesh to constrain the mesh generator to locate computational nodes of the FE-mesh at these positions, the following workflow should work:

Assure you use a neighborhood relationship for the regionalization method in the Parameter Link Editor. As a first step please choose a snapping distance larger than 0 and smaller than the distance between well locations and neighboring computational nodes (e.g. 0.1 m). After that, select the shape file containing the wells in the Maps Panel by double-clicking. In the Selection Toolbar please choose Select by Map Points and then Select by all Map Geometries.

If the Parameter Link you created is active you should see the name of the Link in the Input field. Finally, please click on apply.
Posted Thu, 28 May 2015 13:08:19 GMT by Phil
thanks you,
It worked.
Posted Thu, 28 May 2015 20:42:57 GMT by adacovsk
Any recommendations on importing/exporting multilayer wells with timeseries? It's not so intuitive as it is with other boundary conditions and observation points.


Posted Fri, 29 May 2015 06:15:14 GMT by Phil
No. At the moment I´ll just try to build up a 2D modell with some boundary conditions (Well BC, hydraulic head BC, temperatur BC,...)
So, If there would be questions regarding the multilayer wells, I know where I can ask ;-)
Maybe later when I try a 3D modell.

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