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Posted Wed, 16 Aug 2006 20:48:16 GMT by Kelly Greaser Senior Project Hydrogeologist
In section 3 of the doc 'Interface manager for programmers', it states the ifm functions 'are summarized in the Interface Manager API (see Appendix B)'.  However, there is no Appendix B in this document, and I can't seem to find any document that lists all the available ifm functions.  Where do I find this Appendix B referred to, or, where do I find a list of the ifm functions and what each does?
Kelly Greaser
Posted Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:12:10 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
The appendix B is part of the FEFLOW online help. You can either browse the online help (IFM button on the top level and the link on the very bottom of the page) or you can open the following html file in a web browser (which might be more convenient for searching etc.):

C:\Program files\WASY\FEFLOW 5.2\help\ifm\appendix_b\appendix_b_index.html

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