Posted Mon, 08 Jun 2015 15:13:40 GMT by Phil
At the moment I´m trying to implement a heat boundary condition in my 2d horizontal modell.
The fluid flow BC are hydraulic head BC and Well BC.

The heat BC should be a "warmer" water (15 °C) than the normal aquifertemperature (10°C) that is pumping through the well BC.
So , the result of the simulation should be the normal aquifertemperature (10°C) and a temperature plume of 15 °C.
The problem is that my aquifertemperature is only 0°C and I can see the correct temperature plume.
How can I change the aquifertemperature to 10°C??
Posted Tue, 16 Jun 2015 16:19:11 GMT by
If you are using version 6, look for "temperature" under "heat transport" on the data panel. You should be able to set initial temperature of the water by selecting all nodes and setting the temperature at them using the input box, just like you would do with any other nodal value.

Posted Tue, 04 Aug 2015 19:23:29 GMT by
The initial temperature can also be set in all earlier versions of feflow

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