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Posted Sun, 04 Nov 2012 14:36:53 GMT by mingo80
Hi there

Currently there are about 50 mutiple-layer pumping wells over the model domain, there are different screen depth, am trying to constraint to each slices with the bottom of well elevation. The model result gives me each year abstraction is only half as the abstraction was input to the model. and water level contour shows the water level not drop to the bottom of well elevations. I understand FeFlow as a "free-moveable" layers, supposed to be constraint each layer with min (bottom of wells elevation). however, the water level is not reach the elevation, abstraction each year is only half as input to the model?

Any suggestion to solve this?

Posted Mon, 05 Nov 2012 20:46:38 GMT by
What happens if you simulate confined-only conditions.  This may tell you if its the well constraints or something to do with "free and movable"

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