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Posted Mon, 16 May 2011 13:38:01 GMT by lemonok
I am studying the borehole model in FEFLOW recently, and I want to simulate borehole Thermal response test by FEFLOW, but I do not have idea on how to do it, could someone give me some guide?
Thank you for your help.
Posted Tue, 24 May 2011 04:51:40 GMT by garth
All values of boundary conditions in FeFlow can be exported into an ASCII file format. I've only ever had to export values of head but I'd assume heat values can be exported in a similar way for all the nodes. After you get this file import this information using either excel or mat lab or surfer and then you should be able to visualise the thermal response in one of the many graph functions in Matlab/Surfer. The tutorials on FeFlow are very extensive and should provide you with information on what you want.
Posted Fri, 03 Jun 2011 02:20:14 GMT by lemonok
Thank you very much for your kind reply, yes , now I understand your meaning. Thank you

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