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Posted Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:02:25 GMT by Mohamed Mahgoub PST

I am new to the FEFLOW, and I am trying to simulate saltwater intrusion but I do not understand how to set the density ratio.
Posted Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:20:04 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala

Hi, let me quote from the FEFLOW help below.

Best regards,

Density Ratio

Unit: [1]
Default value: 0

The density ratio ? describes the ratio between maximum and minimum density in a density-dependent transport model. It is defined as the density difference in the model divided by the density at reference concentration/temperature.

? = (?max-?0)/?0

It relates concentrations in the model to density differences. By default, FEFLOW assumes ?max to be the density at maximum concentration in initial or boundary conditions and ?0 as the density at a concentration of 0 mg/l.

By default, FEFLOW uses one single Density Ratio for the sum of all concentrations in multi-species simulations. By applying the corresponding setting in Transport Settings in the Problem Settings dialog the density ratio can be specified separately for each single species. In this case, the parameter shows up separately for each species.

Density ratio has to be 0 except for density-dependent models.
Posted Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:41:35 GMT by Mohamed Mahgoub PST
Thanks for your reply

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