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Posted Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:47:29 GMT by scubohuntr
FEFLOW 6.1 is locking up on me quite frequently. Almost every time I try to right click on a chart (apparently the only way to export temporal data) and most of the time when I try to edit observation points, the program freezes. Usually if I hit ctrl-alt-del and cancel the reboot it unfreezes it, until I try to do the same thing again. It's that "almost" that makes this really frustrating. It works often enough to maintain hope, but I am spending a LOT of my time trying to unlock frozen software. I have reinstalled FEFLOW, and I have tried several different machines to no avail. When it is locked up, the mouse moves and obviously the keyboard remains active, since ctrl-alt-del still functions, but I can't click on anything, and alt-tab will bring up the dialog but won't switch between active programs. I haven't seen the problem doing anything else yet, but right clicking charts or editing obs points will lock it up most of the time. Anyone have any suggestions?
Posted Fri, 22 Feb 2013 06:00:57 GMT by uqjzhang
This happens to me all the time. It behaves quite random, sometimes freeze, sometimes no problem.

I am guessing its related to to the size of the problem and frequency of you result saving interval. I feel like if you run a big transient problems (millions of nodes/elements) for like 2 years and you have your time steps size for 7 days and save every time step results, you will result in a huge fat dac file. And each time you make actions on the charts, the program has to retrieve data from this huge fat dac file, and it freezes.

I suggest you try to limit the output intervals when you run your model. For example, if you do calibration, you only need to output those dates that have monitoring data. If you already have a huge fat dac file, you can open it and "save as", then only select a few important dates and save it in a reduced healthy dac file.

I hope this helps.
Posted Fri, 22 Feb 2013 22:40:51 GMT by scubohuntr
The .dac files are huge, no doubt (2-15 GB), and unwieldy, and that very likely explains the chart issue, but I ran into the obs point issue in the .fem file (which runs under 50 MB) before I ever ran the model.

I have set the time steps as large as I can (up to 180 days) in the ~90 year simulation, but I need to characterize the drawdown and recovery curves so I need all the time steps. Of course, I only need all the time steps for a relative handful of nodes, but there's no way to selectively limit the .dac file. If there was some way to export fluid rate budgets without going through the chart, this would only be one of a long parade of small annoyances.

My model is a bit over 1.4M elements and runs out in 250-300 time steps. Large model, but not unreasonably so. I'm running it on a dual six-core machine with 32 GB of RAM, so it ought to have the horsepower to do it.
Posted Mon, 25 Feb 2013 09:00:49 GMT by Blair Thornburrow Groundwater Modeller
Sounds like IFM territory to me (i.e. customised functions to automatically export exactly the data you need to files on the fly). How's your C++?
Posted Mon, 04 Mar 2013 20:12:25 GMT by
Make sure you are running the most current version of 6.1.  Your model is not so big that the gui cannot handle it (I wonder what size would though).  I wonder if there is an error in the input (could be just one bad K value) somewhere causing the crash...I have seen this happen from time to time.

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