Hai all,

I want to assign some pumping wells into several slices in my 3D model. I make 9 layers and 10 slices. Layer 1 is unconfined, layers 2-4 are aquitards, while from layer 5-9 are confined aquifer with clay inserted. 
I assigned wells BC into slices 6-10 in confined aquifer. Wells are located into slice 6 and 7, I already did and when simulated to check the effect of assigning this BC there was nothing happened which means the error was still lower than error accuracy, but the problems are when assigned wells BC into other slices (8 to 10) then simulated, the error always higher than error accuracy (1e-3) even though I put small value for pumping rate (0.5 m3/d).
Does anybody can help me to give some advices? Thank your for your attention