Posted Tue, 09 Dec 2008 17:12:22 GMT by Juliette
I have 2 questions:

- The tolerance acts on both head & concentration (for a unsat flow + transport), right? If so, is there a way to go around that ? I would like to set a strongh tolerance on flow and a weak one on the transport...

- I can't display the 'error norm history' & the 'residual history' windows from the quick access menu. I suppose those are available under specific conditions. What shall I do to get these windows?

Thanks in advance !

Posted Wed, 10 Dec 2008 22:29:45 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
- right - and there's no way around it
- these error norm history is only shown for steady-state nonlinear simulations, the residual history only for specific unsaturated simulations

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