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Posted Fri, 09 Apr 2021 14:40:26 GMT by Noah FS
I want to assign a different value to each node in my model for porosity and thermal conductivity, I have been trying to do this by exporting the material data and then quick importing by maps after editing the file outside of fellow which isn't working. Can anyone suggest a way of achieving this?
Posted Sat, 10 Apr 2021 22:47:09 GMT by Igor Pavlovskii Dalhousie University Post-Doctoral Fellow
Porosity and thermal conductivity are elemental properties. So, I assume you have exported elemental properties to excel and edited it there, but preserved the element numbers from the model.
The standard workflow is the following:
1) right-click on the data tab => select "add map"
2) right-click on the imported map "defaut" property  => select "define coordinate fields" => select appropriate fields from drop-down menu
3) right-click on the imported map => select "link to parameters" => use graphical user interface to link fields in the excel and model parameters (remember to select field with element number in the topology section)
4) select all elements of the model => right-click on the link in the "linked attributes" menu of the imported map => select "activate link for data assignment" => click on ✓ in the assignment tab (the same one uses to assign properties manually)

NB: FeFlow needs Excel to be installed on the computer to be able to import .xlsx files

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