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Posted Tue, 28 Sep 2010 23:52:41 GMT by GA
I was generating mesh using Triangle mesh generator. The supermesh consist of point, line and polygon elements. The log of the working message shows me that the smallest area of the element is in the order of 10^-10 m^2. I could also see triangles with very small distances. Is it a problem to have nodes very close to each other for a large scale model?
I tried to increase the refinement for the point, line and polygons using the Target element size in the order of 100 m and with steep gradation (=1). I also tried to limit the number of total elements in the order of 20,000. All these couldn't help me to avoid very small areas and very close nodes. How to increase the area of the smallest triangles in Triangle generator? Any idea appreciated?
Posted Wed, 29 Sep 2010 06:17:37 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
From my experience, whenever you get very small elements without specifiying high element numbers or small element sizes, this is due to the setup of the supermesh. Triangle is good at avoiding obtuse-angles triangles. On the other hand this means that if nodes in your supermesh are very close or angles relatively small, Triangle will come up with small elements to make the best of the situation.
Posted Wed, 29 Sep 2010 16:44:25 GMT by GA
I know my line elements in the super mesh are forcing Triangle to produce very very small elements (almost unrealistic elements). What is the best possible way to represent the line features so that small elements will not be created?

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