Posted Mon, 05 Sep 2022 08:42:48 GMT by emilia novo
In one of my old models the mesh has disapeared from view from the Slices and the 3D screens. There is a blank screen except for the multilayer wels, which can bessen. However the mesh must be there - and the parameters are there - because when I use the Inspection tool, the values show up in the Inspection panel. So, how can I make the mesh reapear in the Slices and the 3D screens?
Posted Tue, 06 Sep 2022 10:04:06 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
The most probable is that the cache file is somehow damaged e.g, saving was interrupted, etc. You can delete the *.cache file, open the FEM file and FEFLOW will recreate the cache file again. If this does not help, please contact support.
Posted Wed, 14 Sep 2022 10:23:28 GMT by emilia novo

I did hat you suggest and the problem remains.

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