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Posted Wed, 15 Mar 2017 14:49:40 GMT by Christian Helweg
Hello. I have a problem with Map Quick Import. Feflow 7.0

I have two versions of a model, with identical grids. I try to copy data (Head) from one model to the other by first exporting Head from one model and then importing head in the other model using Map Quick Import.

It works, but takes a very very long time (much more than a coffee break, an hour or more !!!)

What could be the problem ?. Copying and pasting within a model takes a second. But it seems that its not possible to copy in one instance of feflow and then paste in another instance, if you have licenses for that.

Best regards Christian

Posted Thu, 16 Mar 2017 11:12:50 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Thanks for the note Christian.

Yes, copying nodal or elemental properties from one FEFLOW instance to another FEFLOW instance by using the clipboard of the operating system is not possible. Alternatively, you can use the Quick import option or the Parameter Association as you already indicated. I will try to reproduce your observation. Could you please let me know which FEFLOW Update you are using? Could you please also let me know the number of mesh nodes?
Posted Thu, 16 Mar 2017 12:39:07 GMT by Christian Helweg
v. 7.0. (update 9) 64 bit version(November 2016)
(No newer updates available)

4.536.216 Nodes
8.931.516 Elements

One could get the idea that FeFlow maybe does the interpolation, even though data with a node number is given in the data (Tried Shape and dbf) and linking through node number is specified in the user form...
I suppose an interpolation would take a long time for large models.

Best regards Christian
Posted Mon, 20 Mar 2017 19:19:58 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Thanks Christian. I will check it.
Posted Tue, 21 Mar 2017 14:30:26 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Which Node Selection Mode did you use? [b]Select by node number[/b] or [b]Select by nearest node(s)[/b]?
Posted Tue, 28 Mar 2017 11:52:28 GMT by Christian Helweg
Select by Node number. Thats why I expected it to be fast. My colleague has had a similar experience with a large model. But with smaller models it has been better.

Posted Tue, 28 Mar 2017 13:32:46 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Thanks Christian. I made a test with approximately the number of nodes/elements you indicated. The runtime corresponded approximately to the time of a coffee break. My coffee breaks are usually not long (minute scale). Could you please provide more details about your computer (CPU, memory). If you aggree we can also continue this request in the FEFLOW support.

Posted Tue, 09 May 2017 07:18:57 GMT by Christian Helweg
It was maybe because the model was on a server and not on my local hard disc....

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