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Posted Mon, 23 Jul 2012 06:06:30 GMT by billinlafayette
Hello there,

I'm new to FEFLOW 6.0 and have not figured out how to display particle tracks in the cross-section view.  I'm using both transient and steady-state calculated tracks, that are displayed in slice and 3D view just fine.  It looks like the options for viewing items in the cross-section view are very limited in general.  I am not able to view well bc's or observation points either.  Any help on how I might set up the display of particle tracks in cross section would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Posted Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:03:56 GMT by
I think this is not possible, but you can display in 3d
Posted Thu, 26 Jul 2012 09:42:42 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
The cross-section view at the moment allows any shape of the cross-section. A projection of wells or pathlines thus would not be unique. That's the main reason why at the moment these options are not available. For the future, we will have to decide on either a geometrical restriction of the underlying lines, or an additional 'snap width' for features projected on the cross section.

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