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Posted Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:27:11 GMT by csena
I'm building a 2D vertical simulation. I want to define daily recharge values for every node of the topographic surface of a 2D vertical simulation (for a 7 years period). How can I implement it?
(1) What menu should I choose: (i) Source/sink, (ii) Transfer (In/Out) in the flow materials, or (iii) Flux in the Flow Boundaries?
(2) Should I import a file in the Database option? If so, what type of file should I prepare? What units for recharge?

Thank you in advance
Posted Thu, 17 Jul 2008 15:34:40 GMT by Gemma
I'd also be interested in this one.  In particular, if you're only modelling the saturated flow system but there is an unsaturated interval at the top of the slice, then what is the best way to model the recharge to the water table?

Posted Mon, 21 Jul 2008 12:07:18 GMT by Alexander Renz
Hi csena,

(1) you should use your choice (iii), the 2nd kind (Flux) boundary condition

To apply the recharge value in the way you described, several steps are necessary:

(1) first, you need the upper topographic boundary as a line (shp, ascii)
(2) second, you need a pow-file where you define a power function (time-varying function for the reacharge) for every node.
(3) You have to create a database-file where you specify the x,y-coordinates of these nodes and the respective number of the pow-function (syntax per line: x,y,pow-ID)
As a further prerequisite, the nodes of your mesh have to be identical with the nodes you described in these file.

You can then use the JOIN-tool with DATA-option to assign the Pow-ID's to the nodes. Choose the option "1D-Interpolation" in the upcoming dialog and set and set a reasonable high "Distance for non-interpolated data points". Load the pow-file in "Time-vaying function ID's" and load the database file with "Import powerfunction IDs". Finally click appply to start the assignment.


- Since the 2nd kind BC is mathematically applied to the edges of the cells and not to the nodes, there will be a minor "smearing" of your assignment between the nodes. Usually it should not matter.

- This procedure can be easier if you do not strictly define a pow-function to every single node. Alternatively, you can simply define the recharge for a small number of points on the border, and let FEFLOW the missing pow-functions by interpolation.
Posted Tue, 22 Jul 2008 07:08:42 GMT by csena
Thank you very much for the answer!


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