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Posted Mon, 19 Apr 2010 21:12:23 GMT by Martin Stewart
Does anyone know if it is possible to calibrate a model using Pest for several different timesteps? I have several snapshots in time of a complex 3D model I would like to calibrate my fixed parameters to (K's mainly). Do I require an external PEST module or am I left to try and program my own PEST IFM interface? The built-in version doesn't look like it will work for me.


Posted Wed, 21 Apr 2010 06:54:54 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
The built-in version does both steady-state and transient calibration. In the latter case, it does not care how many snapshots you have in time, but of course the model has to be run for the full period for each iteration.
Alternatively, you can use PEST as a stand-alone software calling FEFLOW, of course.
Posted Wed, 21 Apr 2010 18:48:17 GMT by Martin Stewart
Hi Peter,

I see the transient option now, thank you.

The problem I have is that I am limited to two points in time and don't have any information regarding the shape of time-functions between those points. For accuracy the best I can do with my data is essentially calibrate two steady state problems with unique boundary conditions but identical geometries and material problems. Is this possible with the current PEST manager?

Correct me if I am wrong, but if I run a transient problem any time steps between my two known timesteps could potentially skew the solution if I simply interpolate time-depend boundary conditions and observation points? Can you weight time steps or just observation points in a PEST analysis?


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