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Posted Wed, 05 May 2010 21:17:02 GMT by Martin Stewart
I'm working on a pit slope dewatering model in which I need to include changing topography during mining. Does anyone have experience in executing such a model and would you be willing to offer some strategies how to model this most effectively?

Up to this point I have been using a deforming mesh to model the water table in a partially unconfined scenario. I could have a time-dependent seepage face boundary condition, but this would include far too many nodes to assign efficiently :P.

Posted Thu, 13 May 2010 19:28:14 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hi Martin,

We are doing several Pit Dewatering models with my company, perhaps if you tell me more about your model I can help you. For the moment I don' t know easy way to change the topo with time, but this is not necessary all the time for Pit dewatering model ( depen what you want to know)


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