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Posted Fri, 01 Sep 2006 23:15:50 GMT by Kelly Greaser Senior Project Hydrogeologist
Does the Diagram API save data throughout a model run to a file somewhere?  Anytime I open a dac file after closing the 'run simulation' window, the curves for head and pressure for my observation points aren't within the screen for the API.  How do I retrieve this data after closing the 'run simulation' or reloading a dac file?  I've had two simulations crash and something caused FEFLOW to completely exit so I wasn't able to save the data from the API, and I can't figure out how to 'open' that data from the API within the 'postprocess' window.
I would appreciate any help or suggestions!
Posted Mon, 04 Sep 2006 07:28:33 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
The curves created using the Diagram API in IFM programming are currently not saved in the *.dac file. We are thinking about adding functionality for that, but currently that's not done.

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