My goal is to simulate and observe hydraulic heads and out flows in a cubic tank discharge model with a double porosity continuum.
In order to illustrate the model, the problem would be a tank filled with 4 "towers" of rocky material (matrix) separated from 1) each other and 2) the tank border by an aperture of size X (fracture).
In this model, the discharge would take place through a hole located at the bottom of the tank, in the middle of one side.
I have some questions regarding with my FEFLOW (5.3) models 1) the boundary condition I should have at the outlet, 2) the free surface parameter, and 3) discrete feature elements and a 3D approach.
I tried to work step by step from a simple discharge of a homogeneous material through a node 2D model to a 3D model with higher conductivities areas.
Here are my questions :
- In a 2D horizontal model (*.fem file attached), considering a discharge in the case of 2 conductivities media. Top elevation of the aquifer is 0.30 [m], bottom is 0 [m], and a square mesh of 0.30x0.30 [m]. I change the "dry" parameter (residual water depth) to 0.000101 [m] in order to set a fixed head boundary (1st kind BC) on an outer border node at 0.001[m], because 0 isn't working right?
- I tried to use a discrete feature element to represent the fracture medium but it gets messy, is this changing a lot from a 2 conductivities approach?
- Would it improve a lot the first 2D results to switch to a 3D problem? I tried to, but I am not sure of how many slices I should use (3 or more?) and 1) which [i]"free surface"[/i] condition I should use in this case [i]"constrained"[/i] with a [i]"seepage face"[/i] ?, 2)Is [i]"phreatic"[/i] recommended for the top slice ?
Thanks for your answers!