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Posted Thu, 31 Mar 2011 00:05:52 GMT by b
can anybody help explain what 'Top/Down' and 'Bottom/Up' (with a specified minimal thichness) mean when a new slice is inserted between two existing slices and it would conflict with either one or both of them. in another word, which slice does 'Top/Down' or 'Bottom/Up' refer to? for a special case (e.g. one layer/2 slices), if the 2nd slice elevation conflicts with the 1st slice elevation, what does 'Top/down' or 'Bottom/Up' mean?

thank you!

Posted Thu, 31 Mar 2011 15:50:07 GMT by b
i think i figured it out. 'Top' and 'Bottom' refer to the portion of conflicted slices; and 'Down' and 'Up' are directions how the elevations of conflicted slices are to be modified or repaired.

Posted Thu, 31 Mar 2011 19:36:28 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Yes - that's it. Indeed Top/Down means that FEFLOW starts looking for conflicts on the top slice. This is fixed. If slice 2 conflicts with slice 1, it will be moved down. If slice 3 conflicts with slice 2, slice 3 will be moved down. The other way round, the checks will start from the bottom slice, and the elevation of the lower slice will be kept in case of a conflict.
Posted Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:33:26 GMT by b
Hi Peter - Thank you very much for your explanation!

Posted Wed, 14 Sep 2011 15:32:23 GMT by Giomac
I think it would be useful if there were also the options:
"Top/Up" and "Bottom/Down".

Supposing we have that Slice 6 crosses Slice 5 in certain nodes. Instead of moving these nodes of slice 6 down and keeping constant slice 5 (as it would be with Top/Down), with the option Top/Up Slice 6 would keep the elevation assigned while slice 5 (and eventually all the layers above slice 5) will move Up in the nodes where the conflict occurs.

The other way around would be for the option "Bottom/Down".

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