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Posted Wed, 10 Mar 2021 18:25:40 GMT by Hugo Ninanya Geomechanics Engineer
Hello everyone!

Recently I am modelling a tailing dam using FEFLOW 7.4 considering an unstructured mesh. After calibrating the numerical model it will be necessary to simulate vertical pumping wells around the dam (upstream). Is there any recommendation for preparing the mesh? Since the pumping wells (multilayers wells in FEFELOW) are positioned along the edges of the elements.


Posted Thu, 11 Mar 2021 08:04:04 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
I'd consider a linear add-in for mesh generation, so that you are sure to get edges along the well screen. Depending on the need for precise results, you might also want to somehow control element size around the well.
Posted Mon, 22 Mar 2021 15:21:55 GMT by Hugo Ninanya Geomechanics Engineer
I really appreciate your advice.

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