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Posted Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:13:43 GMT by Loic
Hi everyone,

I am a new Feflow user and I am struggling to make my model run.  When running the simulator (with BICGSTABP default solver), I get a serie of "Feflow Alert Messages" which warn me about "Non Positive Determinant in Element XXX".  However when I check the mesh and these elements, there is nothing I can find looking actually wrong (node thicknesses and elevations apparently ok).
Would anyone have any suggestion to guide me and solve this issue ?
Posted Wed, 02 Apr 2008 21:27:01 GMT by mnovotny

I had this issue the other day.  Did you smooth the mesh?  it seems that in smoothing the mesh, new elevations are interpolated at the nodes, and there is no criteria or check loop in place to keep the layers from overlapping. 

I reinterpolated the node elevations myself, from the original dataset and this seems to take care of the problem.

There are a variety of checks you can do as well in the mesh geometry 'check properties' dialog.

good luck!

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