Posted Thu, 12 Nov 2009 14:58:23 GMT by phuongthuy1205

I'm trying to generate a FEM. I chose the number of elements is 10000.
When I use TMesh I always get the problem with "Insufficent memory available" even with low refinement. Could you tell me how I can check the ability or memory demand for running? And I sometimes can run the process sometimes cannot with the same computer and the same choices.

When I use Gridbuilder I got the report saying that "Gridbuilder Mesh Generator has stoped working. "from Window Explorer (I'm using Window Vista). Could you give me some suggestion?

Thanks in advance.
Thuy Bui.
Posted Fri, 13 Nov 2009 15:32:37 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
These messages point towards an error in the supermesh you are using. Please check whether you have overlapping polygons, nodes very close to each other or extremely small angles in the supermesh.
Posted Mon, 16 Nov 2009 04:04:45 GMT by phuongthuy1205
I'll check.
Thank you!

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