[b][size=10pt]Hi.. Feflower...
This is simple question. If I do not prescribe any boundary conditions on the boundary, does it mean that the boundary is impervious?
To check this, I made simple model and ran the model but the boundary (on which no boudary conditions) nodes show the some normal velocity vector. I think it is somewhat strange.
You can also check this problem by using DYNAMIC_RIVER.FEM which is included in the folder ../feflow5.1/demo/examples/femdata. This FEM file has boundary conditions only in left side as a transfer type (type 3 B.C.). But if you run the model, you can see many vectors on other boundary has the normal component.
As far as I known, if no coditions meas the impervious boundary, there should be no vertical (or normal) component in that boundary.
Please let me know this more clear.
Thanks 8) 8) 8)
PS : Direct contact by using my e-mail, <hskim@kwater.or.kr>, is surely welcomed and acknowledged. [/size] [/b]