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Posted Wed, 25 May 2011 07:26:32 GMT by Terry CORDONNIER engineer
Hi guys,

I would like to generate a mesh from a polygon i have already generate without problem but it seems not working now.
My error message:

"[b]Invalid mesh generated by Gridbuilder (Element "xxxx" has a negative area)![/b]"

Each time i try a new element number seems wrong (4348, 2654, 9132,...)
I do not understand. What i have to do? Why 2 weeks before this same polygon allow me to generate a mesh without problems?



Posted Thu, 16 Jun 2011 14:28:27 GMT by Alexander Renz
The reason for failures of Gridbuilder often lies in the geometry of the supermesh, especially if line features are used or of the vertexes of polygons are not regularly distributed along the polygon border.
Try to test-wise delete the lines and see if it works. If yes, try to identify the lines that are causing the failures. If not, check the supermesh borders for sharp kinks or sharp angles.
If all this does not help, switching to the triangle mesh generator can be a good alternative.

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