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Posted Wed, 06 Jul 2016 12:24:02 GMT by Charlène CLOCHARD

I'm running a transient flow/transport model.  The quantity of contaminant is 100mg/L. The concentration is observed in 13 bore hole.
The results  (Charts -> Average concentration) indicate a too high concentration for 2 bore hole. 

Any ideas would be great help

Thanks ,

Posted Thu, 07 Jul 2016 15:54:52 GMT by Björn Kaiser
I would expect that the average concentration of a well at a specific time is equivalent to the concentration at this node at the same time. Could you please verify that by inspecting the Average Concentration History chart and the Mesh Inspector in the Slice View. In case you have a Multilayer Well (MLW) please assure you use the Mesh Inspector at the lowest node of the MLW.

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