I'm wondering how FePest encompasses the parallelization of the PEST run and of each FEM model using parallelized equation solvers.
I have a FEFLOW model setup with the SAMG solver, which is supposed to make use of several CPU cores available when it is run independently. Now, If I want to use Pest Parallelization over that model, how will the FEM file be run?. If the master sends one instance of the fem file to a slave computer that is defined as having 3 slaves, Will it send 3 realizations of the fem file to each slave, and leave the slave computer to decide how to make use of other available local CPU cores to solve the FEM?
Another example is when the parallelization of the FePest run is made in the local computer. If one defines the number of slaves of the localhost as the maximum number of CPU cores, and FePest sends one realization of the fem file to each CPU core, seems logical that there will be no room for each CPU core to parallelize the equation solver. But, will it parallelize the equation solver if the number of slaves is less than the maximum number of CPU cores available?