In WEST 2011/2012 it is not possible to get those values into a file, unless one would do some copy/pasting of the grid that is shown in the "Analysis Properties" / "Variables" / "Time series Criteria" tab. Problem with this tab however is that it doesn't show the aggregated quantity objective values, nor the aggregated overall objective value.
In the upcoming WEST 2014, the "Analysis Properties" have been extended with a new "Run" tab, next to the already existing "Variables" and "Data files" tabs. The "Run" tab gives an overview of all computed objective values (including aggregated objective values), and can be exported through a dedicated button to a variety of formats (Excel, HTML, Text).
For any WEST version, it is of course also possible to create a 1-run Scenario Analysis experiment, from which an output file with objective values can be directly obtained.