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Posted Fri, 10 May 2013 14:15:06 GMT by Cansin.R
I have recently downloaded the west for optimization program. I know it is a very basic question but I have to ask.

I can’t simulate any projects including tutorials.
When I open a tutorial and click the start button of the steady state simulation, system gives the error:
[b]System error: Undefined type name found: Influent_Municipality_1  [/b]

When I open a blank project from templates, I can’t drag municipal wastewater block to layout sheet. System gives the error of:
[b]No model available for this block![/b]

When I open a template, create the appropriate input and output files and run the system this time system gives the error of:
[b]No model found for node Municipality_1[/b]

I couldn’t solve the problem, is it a software problem or I have to create a model for the municipal wastewater icon? Can anybody help me please?
Posted Fri, 10 May 2013 15:02:40 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
I would say it has to do with some path names that are invalid or not properly set, or relative references that are invalid.
Could you please email our technical support ( - simply refer to this post, no need to rewrite everything; only send the Diagnostics (Tools menu) along.
Posted Fri, 10 May 2013 15:18:21 GMT by Cansin.R
Thank you. I've just send an email to the technical support.

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