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Posted Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:21:44 GMT by cpdmulde

I have created a new model using the Gujer Matrix in the Model Editor. The model runs fine when creating a new layout, but when I try to add sensors to the layout, I get trouble.
At first, everything seems okay (I can see the Parameters, Variables and Description pane for the newly introduced sensor), but when I run (in steady state), the only thing that appears in the Block Details tab is <<The model for '.Sensor_x' is not available in Model Library>>. This is the case for COD, Flow and Multisensor, but not for the NH4-sensor, which seems to be working fine.

Does anyone have an idea what might be the cause of this, and how to solve it?
Posted Wed, 03 Dec 2014 12:53:57 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
this is because:
[list type=decimal]
[li]your new category is probably flagged as "[b]StandardCategoryModels[/b]" (cf. wwtp.definitions[CategoryName].msl file immediately before the IndexOfSolvent)[/li]
[li]the default sensor models are applicable to "standard models" (cf. #ifdef StandardCategoryModels statement prior to the keyword CLASS for each sensor) and the interface variable(s) are implemented in different ways for every category, e.g.[/li]
#if (defined ASM1Temp)
interface.y_M =
// implementation here

#if (defined ASM1_AN)
interface.y_M =
// implementation here

#if (defined ASMG1)
interface.y_M =
// implementation here

// and so on ..

The specific error message you are getting is issued every time an interface variable is defined (OBJ .. in the interface section) but not implemented (in the equation section).

What you need to do is [b]add the appropriate implementation[/b], wrapped between "#if (defined [CategoryName])" and "#end if", for every interface variable of every sensor you need to use.

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