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Posted Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:01:38 GMT by Imraan Paleker

I'm having a bit of a problem when running my simulation. It was working perfectly fine before and passes all the checks in model editor. But for some strange reason in my WEST layout view (after I run), when I click on a process (for example an ASU), it doesn't show me anything and rather states "Quantity. ASU does no longer exist in the model or the file".

It has gotten to a point where it keeps giving me this error for any new icon I add in my layout after my last saved checkpoint (when everything was working perfectly fine). Thus, preventing me from adding anything further onto my model.

I really hope someone can assist me! It will be much appreciated!

Imraan Paleker
Water Quality Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Posted Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:14:27 GMT by Imraan Paleker
Hi again,

I am running the PWM_SA instance for my plant. I'm not sure if it could be a bug or something, as I have never encountered this problem before.

Imraan Paleker
Water Quality Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Posted Fri, 08 Sep 2017 09:38:03 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
Hello Imraan,
if you check the Logging pane, I am quite sure you will find an error message like ".. [b]quantity has not been linked[/b] .." - which means that an interface variable was declared in one of your models but never used, i.e. either assigned (if it's an output) or used in the scope of an expression (if it's an input).

This coding 'error' is not picked up by the modelbase check: so yes, you may have gone through all the correct steps and built your layout, but it's only going to surface at runtime.

What happens in the GUI is that WEST clears the content of the Block Details for all the blocks on your canvas, not only of the one that actually caused the error - which I agree is a bit annoying and we'll work on improving this.

Solution: there must be one model that you worked on last; and perhaps you have added interface variables? look there and make sure that every interface OBJ be used at least once in the equations section.
Posted Fri, 08 Sep 2017 14:43:58 GMT by Imraan Paleker
Hi Enrico,

Thank you so much for your help on the matter!! I was adding new perfomance icons/interface variables and left one or two unaccounted for. I was stuck for 8 hours, rebuilding my model, piece by piece. And you were able to help in a few seconds! So thank you again. It is much appreciated.

Imraan Paleker
Water Quality Department, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

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