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Posted Wed, 24 May 2017 14:14:36 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
I have an activated sludge system (ASU) with 4 biological reactors that have surface aerators.

I intend to calibrate the parameters (YH, Ks; umxH, YA, umaxA), which represent the 4 surface aerators that make up the system.

  In other words, I do not want results for each ASU, but rather a global result for the 4 biological reactors.
Posted Wed, 24 May 2017 14:24:23 GMT by Filip Claeys
Create a top-level parameter (cf. p 101 in the User Guide) for each parameter of interest, and then use those top-level parameters in your calibration exercise.
Posted Wed, 24 May 2017 16:38:38 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
Thank you for your help

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