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Posted Tue, 16 May 2017 14:43:37 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
First of all the aerator that are being used in the project is of "surface aeration model" type (this type of aerator asks to insert the water's temperature).

In the tank of the aeration(ASU)  there is a field representing the temperature of the activated sludge. If I set that field to a temperature value that is equal to temperature of the aerator's block an error occurs(related to input file or the evaluation of the upper/lower bound ).
My first question is, how can I solve this problem?

The second question is, the modelling is will be performed for 3 different periods(each one of them with different temperature values). Should I perform the calibration of the parameters for each one of the periods, or it is enough to make only one calibration?

Best regards,

Luís Lopes
Posted Tue, 16 May 2017 17:38:28 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
I don't fully understand ...
Yes: the aerator model uses temperature as parameter (manipulated variable, in fact); and so is the activated sludge tank model.
You can provide the two values individually (e.g. by manually inputting the desired value); or, probably better option, by using a top-level interface variable, linked to both temperature values.

I don't believe either of these options would result in an error of that sort. If you get the same error, can you please contact with a screenshot and the logging?

Three different temperatures will result in different steady-states of your system: what do you mean by "calibratin the parameters"? which parameters are you referring to?
Posted Tue, 16 May 2017 23:41:37 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
Yes, I mean calibration of the parameters, for three different temperatures. And the kinetic parameters to be calibrated are only u_maxH (specific maximum growth rate for heterotrophic biomass) and Ks for heterotrophic biomass.

Another question, when I change the temperature value, does the kinetic parameters automatically change to that temperature?

Best regards,

Luís Lopes
Posted Wed, 17 May 2017 06:53:25 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
I see what you mean. And actually, your second question may provide the answer for the first one.
Yes all relevant [b]kinetics is temperature-dependent[/b].
So when you change temperature, kinetics such mu_max will correspndingly vary (according to the Arrhenius expression).
Posted Fri, 19 May 2017 14:29:10 GMT by Luís Roque Silva Lopes
Thank you very much

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