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Posted Tue, 07 May 2013 14:52:31 GMT by Alain Castro

We are interested on installing West2012 in a Mac, I guess it is only possible with a windows Virtual Machine. Do you recomend any special Virtual machine software? Could we have any problem for detecting the dongle?

Posted Wed, 08 May 2013 20:07:56 GMT by Filip Claeys
WEST is only natively supported on various flavours of the Windows platform, and partly (cf. back-end) on Linux. There is no native support for Mac, so a Windows emulator will be indispensable. At DHI we have however no experience with this, and therefore cannot advise.
Posted Tue, 11 Jun 2013 07:55:10 GMT by Youri Amerlinck
I think that some time ago Ulf Jeppsson tried this for WEST version 3.

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