Posted Tue, 08 Nov 2016 15:57:41 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
Dear Chaim,
it looks like a certain (absolute) path is used in your library, within the base.msl file - so you musn't look at that specific line number, but inside the base.msl file that is referenced to at that line.
If you use the Include page of the Model Library Explorer, you would probably see a red "X" in place of that file - the image attached shows the Files page.
What file is actually missing?
Posted Wed, 09 Nov 2016 08:45:34 GMT by cpdmulde
Dear Enrico,

Upon opening the included .msl-file in wwtp.base.msl (wwtp.VolumeASMConversionModel.body.msl) and expanding all files this includes in the Includes tab, no red 'X's are shown. I have no idea what file would be missing, but I did notice (as you can see in one of the previously attached figures), that the "no such file or directory" is thrown for KOSIM.BlockLib.xml..cpp.msl, i.e. a file with two dots between xml and cpp.

I was also surprised to see an absolute path in the model library, which doesn't seem like good practice from my predecessors, as it limits the reuse possibilities of the library. This concerns the model library WESTforKOSIM that is used for courses on integrated modelling at BIOMATH.

Could this maybe be due to upgrading to WEST2016?

I hope this provides some more information.
Posted Thu, 10 Nov 2016 21:39:43 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
Dear Chaim,
could you please pack the whole model library (BlockLib.xml + Models- & Icons folders), i.e. the WESTforKOSIM folder and send it to ?
I will take a look.
I recall having seen this type of error, a few versions back ...

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