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Posted Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:16:41 GMT by cpdmulde

I tried adding Calculator variables to a layout I made in WEST, but this didn't work out (also because I don't think I get the format of the Expression right), I get following error messages:

<<System error: Invalid calculation variable sequence number: 4>>
<<Error while executing simulation experiment>>

So after this I tried to go about it another way (by including some new code in the multi-sensor script file, in that way providing information about my processes), but I can't remove the created Calculator variables?! I tried locating the corresponding files in my project folder, but Windows wouldn't let me delete them.

Does anyone have a clue what I can do to get rid of either the errors, the Calculator Variables, or both?

Thanks in advance!
Posted Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:24:44 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
The error you got in the first instance was due to a calculator variable of an original set that was [b]deleted[/b].
In 2014, there's a flaw whereby deleting a calculator variable from a set does not re-arrange the IDs: for instance, if variable #4 was removed, variable #5 would not shift to #4. This would generate the error you indicate.
[list type=decimal]
[li]go to the Calculator Variables dialog (right-click in the layout and access the context menu)[/li]
[li]manually reset the relevant ID's using the respective [i]counters[/i] (or directly typing in the numbers)[/li]

Another way is indeed the one you indicate, i.e. manually delete (or re-sorting) the calculator variables, [b]in the experiment file(s)[/b] (*Dynamic or *Steady State.ObjEval.Exp.xml).
However, you should not delete the file altogether, but only the relevant lines in the file - by opening it in a text editor.
[i]I would however not recommend this 2nd route: too risky![/i]

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