This is tricky, as I don't have a clear view of your file and class structure.
However, if you followed my instructions, word-by-word (he he) you should have:[list]
[li]a [b]new CLASS[/b], SBRPointSettler_ContinuousFeed, in the "wwtp.base.SBR.msl" file - I would guess at the bottom, immediately above the set of #include statements. Anyway, what matters is that it's written in this file and therefore "visible" by the rest of the library[/li]
[li]a [b]new file[/b], "wwtp.SBRPointsettler1PhaseReact_ContinuousFeed.msl" which contain 1 CLASS by the same name (i.e. SBRPointsettler1PhaseReact_ContinuousFeed) which, unlike the previous one, is associated to the icon "sbr" - this is what makes the ClassName appear in the drop-down in the WEST Properties pane[/li]
Now, what's missing is that the rest of the library cannot "see" the new class, because the new file has not been included in its hierarchical structure.
Add the following statement to the "wwtp.base.SBR.msl" file, right at the end, after #include "SBR/wwtp.base.SBR.sbrpointsettler8phasereact.msl":
[code]#include "SBR/wwtp.base.SBR.sbrpointsettler1phasereact_ContinuousFeed"[/code]