• Culverts & Bridges in Mike 11

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to implement a couple of weirs & culverts on a Mike 11 network in order to model some bridge representations as it is advised in the Mike 11 "User Manual" (simplification of calculations).

    To do this, i'm setting up a basic weir and a simple rectangular culvert at the same chainage, a little bit upper the lowest point of the two neighboring cross sections to avoid water level problems. To simplify things & calculations, I set the same cross sections at the upstream & downstream of the structure, as the example below :

    Chainage structure : X meters
    Cross section upstream : X + 5 meters
    Cross section downstream : X - 5 meters
    Structure length : 10 meters
    Roughness & in/outflow coefficients : By default.

    But guess what ? the "Calculate Q/H relations" button for the weir works very well for any changes of weir parameters, but for the culverts... itdoesn't work at all ! i've tried to modify one by one each of the proposed culverts parameters in the Mike 11 network interface and I receive always the same message, even for a very little culvert well placed between the 2 cross sections :

    "Unable to calculate Q/H relations for this culvert .... Please check culvert geometry and the upstream/downstream sections geometry, Return code = 1"

    Consequently, I have two questions : because i'm still getting stuck with this basic problem since many days, I want you to ask if anybody had this sort of computational problem even one time and how to solve it ? Or even if anybody knows exactly what does "Return code = 1" means ? I've designed very simple cross sections, with basic parameters and nothing works...

    I've also tried to find out any clue in the reference & user manual but without any results. So, what should be the solution without using the Bridge option ? (i've tried with the bridge and i'm not fully satisfied, mainly because one of the 3 bridges implemented has strange results (enormous head losses, etc...), when i'm clicking on the "submergence" & "overflow" options)

    Thanks a lot for any response,
