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Posted Sun, 04 Jul 2010 06:43:16 GMT by Goutam
Dear Sir,

I have developed a model for salinity concentration for the deeper aquifer (6th Layer).  I have used the constant flux boundary and time varying recharge in top. The model layer is like this –
1.      Top soil (Unconfined)
2.      Aquifer
3.      Aquitard
4.      Aquifer
5.      Aquitard
6.      Aquifer
Now I want to run for the steady state condition first. But it shows that it runs only for the 1 time step and it does not take into account of pumping. How can I run it for 1095 days with 1 day time step. Pls help me in this regard.
Posted Tue, 06 Jul 2010 10:09:57 GMT by Nadine

It only runs for one time step because steady state is only a picture taken at a specific moment so to say. You don't need to run it for long because theoretically everything stays the same. Nothing changes with time.
I guess you could just turn on the transient flow option in the problem class menu. Then it is possible to assign a time step. As long as you input steady state data it should run as if it was in steady state.
I don't know about your pumping though. Did you assign a well boundary condition?

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